The brief run-down: the LRT was crowded, our Park-n-Ride bus was crowded, and the whole entire freakin' park was crowded at 3:45 in the afternoon. Line-ups were really long and confusing to locate, and several venues (Mexico and Jamaica, to name a few) ran out of several of their entrees by mid-afternoon. The Chinese food was mostly inauthentic (save for the ones I had mentioned in a previous post) and there was no place to eat, unless I wanted to sit on the grass in the sun near the garbage cans (all of which were overflowing with waste).
There was only one real highlight to the festival, which you can read about here.

Overall, though, we either went at the wrong time of day, the wrong day, or in the wrong city. Heritage Days was not at all a fun and educational experience for us, since we spent the majority of our 4.5 hours in line-ups for food. We may not return next year, and channel our Taste of E-town and Heritage food voucher money towards a better cause, like going out for dinner.
Rating: 5 / 10
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