I initially told the girls from my Cow-town Road Trip that I wouldn't be posting about the city's eateries since they're out-of-town, but I couldn't resist posting about Crave. Crave is a bakery shop located in the Kensington area, known for their deliciously-topped cupcakes and other baked goodies. We stopped in there after church yesterday after we realized that if we waited until later in

This teeny tiny bakery shop offered the most moist and delicious cupcakes, avaiable in large or mini sizes and in either vanilla or chocolate, and topped with a variety of differently-flavoured buttercream icings. I bought a dozen minis in several different flavours, and also one full-sized signature Crave-o-licious cupcake, which I promptly gobbled up in my post-church, pre-lunch hunger. As it turns out, this flavour proved itself to be my favourite - it was a chocolate cake covered with a blue vanilla butter cream icing and chocolate shavings. It was heavenly.
Miche-Lin's favourite was the Peppy Pattie (light peppermint butter cream icing and peppermint candy shavings over chocolate cake) while her hubby K's was the Lovely Bunch of Coconuts (vanilla butter cream icing and coconut topped over chocolate cake). The other gals in the group were, like me, newbies to Crave, so hadn't declared their favourites yet.

The cupcakes at Crave are crazy expensive (cost = $19.15 for a dozen minis & one full-size cupcake) but totally worth it for a sweet, every-so-often sort of treat. I was very impressed by the moistness of their cake, the complementary flavouring of uber-sweet icing and lightly-sweetened cake, and the softness of the cakes. When in Calgary, go to Crave! It should definitely become an indulgent tradition akin to going to Pete's Drive-In!
Rating: 10 / 10
Ah yes, the aptly named Crave. My sister introduced me to it when she was planning on using it for her wedding cake. Which she did, and good thing cake cutting is at the end because I wouldn't have fit into my bridesmaid dress otherwise!!
I remember being tempted to have one of every kind of mini-cupcake at her wedding. In the end I exercised incredible, superhuman self-restraint and limited myself to 1 or 2. And boy, were they yummy! =)
if you love cupcakes you should also try Buttercream Bake Shoppe. They are on 17th Ave SW (and I think it's 10th street). cute place, great cupcakes. have a looky loo when you are back in town
I stumbled across your blog today in my searchings about Crave... I, like you have loved Crave, my favorite being the Princess but my faith in them has recently been destroyed. I feel this is info I must pass on to fellow Crave lovers...
Crave does not bake their own Cupcakes, they're outsourced. I can accept that, what I can't accept is where they get the cupcakes from. I've been willing to pay the expensive price... but no longer. Their cupcakes come from SAFEWAY! I can't support that. The price markup is outrageous, and they lead us to believe they make their own cakes. I feel deceived.
I highly recommend Buttercream Bake Shoppe, they actually make their own cupcakes.
So I've never posted to a blog before. But I've also never read anything as crazy as what I read about Crave in Laura's post. It's boardline slander. Look in the window starting about 5am on any giving morning and you can see cupcakes being mixed, baked, iced and packaged. The half-dozen people baking there aren't window dressing. They're creating some of the most incredible treats I've ever tasted.
I'm with Mrs. Loquacious. Crave rocks.
I've never tried Buttercream but I'm sure they're good too. But really, it's sad to think someone is telling lies about a cupcake shop. Sad.
Well, I am not privy to sufficient information to know whether the Crave cupcakes are outsourced or made in-house, although their website states that they are baked fresh everyday, which my tastebuds can attest to! They taste great and are moist with a slightly-crispy/chewy top edge that tells me they came out of the oven that day.
And if Crave was in E-town, you'd better believe all my "break day" Sundays would be spent buying their delicious mini-cakes!
Good cupcakes, terrible service, and owners that don't give a crap. They are the cupcake nazi's.
Totally agree with the whole "cupcake nazi" thing! THey're hella rude, but their cupcakes omg.. who cares, your too busy stuffing your face anyway to say something rude back.
Buttercream bakeshoppe, please don't support them.
It's cake mix, nothing's made form scratch there :(
Most of these over priced cupcake factories are baked fresh, and you will see them doing it in the store. They are quite popular among the yuppie crowds that want a unique childhood cupcake filling. These stores are open in most large cities (under different names), and i havn't had a bad cupcake yet, but they really can't be bad if your paying $2 a pop.
Common. they are both not using a cake mix or get their cupcakes from somewhere else. At 5am in the morning have a looky loo in the windows of either place to see them making cupcakes from scratch. I am sure you are still sleeping your lazy life away to know these two companies work their %$#@#$ off everyday to provide great products! Good job ladies who own those companies - at least you have the guts to go after a dream!
i started working at this company about 7 months ago and they either do cakes from cakeworks or cupcakes from Crave. Well...the consensus is that everyone prefers Crave because the sweet indulgence can be enjoyed in one big cupcake or several small ones...no one feels guilty if they eat more than one small one. Very good tasting.
Crave is the worst store for customer service I have ever seen. I called to confirm my wedding cake order today and the store manager didn't even remember or even wrote down correctly what kind of cake I ordered and already gave my credit card number for. When I went to the store for the refund, one of the owners was extrememly rude to me and blamed me because I didn't get a consultation with them. Hmm isn't it their job to arrange the consultation. I don't care how busy they are, they treated me horribly and I'll never go back there again, ever!
I have only have great experiences at The Buttercream Bake Shoppe. Those ladies are very friendly and the cupcakes are always yummy. The nice thing is you can actually go at 2pm in the afternoon and get some cupcakes. I know that they do sell out as well daily but I think they just make more. What a concept ...
I adore Crave cupcakes!
I always try to stop at the Kensington location whenever I'm in Calgary.
My gf (who lives in Calgary) says
they may be opening a Crave store in Edmonton.
That would be amazing!!!
The great debate on Crave continues. I still "crave" their chocolatey cupcakes with the blue butter cream, and would love to see one open up here!
I tried Crave for the first time this summer (finally gave in) and it was yummy in my tummy for sure. But do have to agree, although they know how to make fabulous cupcakes they need to learn how to make fabulous personalities as well. I did not realize they had gift boxes, and asked for one as one of the 12 cupcakes was for a BD gift after it was packaged, the girl literally rolled her eyes at me!
I don't know where that comment about crave being sourced from safeway came from, but I can tell you your dead wrong. Explain to me than why they bought out their next door neighbor focous photo for more kitchen space and you can clearly see an oven from the window. Crave is a great example of two girls taking a chance on a small business and a great recipe and doing very well. you should go there early in the morning and you'll see them baking.buttercream bakeshop sucks. their product is too dry.
They are only cupcakes! whats all the fuss about. I would rather eat a steak any day. Calgary's true specialty
Although I love their cupcakes, I refuse to go to Crave. "Cupcake nazis" is the perfect description for them...I've gone out of my way to stop by the store during regular business hours, only to find a sign on the door saying that they're sold out and closed. This has happened more than once. You'd think by now they would be able to forecast the quantity they will sell on a particular day without running out. Savvy business people they are not...
Well... I am not going to start a war over which place is better.. but the thing that irks me, is that the Buttercream Bakeshop basically packages all of their cupcakes in "Crave" packaging all the way down to the ribbon. I am all for healthy competition, but I think Buttercream Bakeshop needs to rethink their packaging and make it their own.
When I was in there for the first and last time, I asked if they were affiliated with any other cupcake shop, (I didn't say Crave), and all I got was a snappish "No, we're an original company with two stores"...
Yeah; tell that to your packaging Honey!
I agree that the service is terrible, I tried to order on the phone and the lady was so impatient and snappy. If only their cupcakes weren't so good, but seriously, would it kill you to smile.
I agree, ButterCream Bakeshoppe should not copy Crave's look - they even have a chocolate cupcake with pale blue frosting, just like Crave's signature cupcake. As for the taste, the chocolate both taste good and taste the same.
I used to work at Crave and I can guarantee that all the cupcakes and frostings are made from scratch. I should know... I used to walk from the train station in Kensington down to the bakery every day at 5am (scary, btw haha). But anyway, when I worked there at least (1 yr ago) they did sell out early but only on Saturdays. We used to bake literally as many cupcakes as we could, like thousands per day. If anything looked the slightest bit off, we would throw the whole batch out (and by off, I mean the white cupcakes were baked accidentally 30secs extra or something minor like that). But anyway, the main thing is that their cupcakes are AMAZING, I still Crave them (not to sound cheesy or anything). Insider tip- go early, around 10-11am on Saturday and you will not be stuck in a lineup and you will get to choose from all the flavors. :)
I used to work at Crave. I can tell you, they make their own batters from scratch. Everything is from scratch. Believe me, it`s hell getting there at 4am and doing nothing but making batter until noon.
I have a big problem with the Buttercream Bake Shoppe.
I came in one day and my cupcake was disgustingly dry. I talked to one of the front girls, and she told me that it was because the bakers don`t come in and bake on Sundays, the cupcakes are usually baked ahead on Fridays or on Saturday and are kept in bins!!!!!
I believe her too, if you go in on thursday, friday or saturday I find, if you peek behind into the bakery part, you cvan see bins full of them!!!
I used to work at Crave, for about a year. They make their icing fresh each day, they make their cupcakes fresh, nothing is ever left over or not fresh.
I used to work for the Buttercream AND Crave.
Crave is fresh for sure.
That's all I have to say. :x
Cheryl says it all.
Buttercream is much too sweet and not always fresh. I felt ripped off that I paid so much for a cupcake I didn't even want to finish.
There is a reason Crave sells out before close frequently.
I no longer live in Calgary, but truly miss my indulgent moments at Crave!
Bliss and Co is a cupcake shop that rivals all. just west of centre street on 3 aven sw, we stopped in this weekend and they were already sold out by 3:30. IMO better that both with great variety of flavors. Even better....fresh baked pies. Check it out next time you are in town. I love the caramel bliss.
Bliss and Co is a cupcake shop that rivals all. just west of centre street on 3 aven sw, we stopped in this weekend and they were already sold out by 3:30. IMO better that both with great variety of flavors. Even better....fresh baked pies. Check it out next time you are in town. I love the caramel bliss.
I can't believe that men/woman have the audacity to say what they think each company does each day. They have no idea how hard these companies work. Crave is from scratch - so is Buttercream Bake Shoppe. Its like Coke and Pepsi - all a matter of choice. Who is Cheryl ... who is Stacey ... made up names for people that can't think of anything nice to say about anything really. Get a life ladies. The probably put them in bins so the icing stays soft ... ever think of that???? I would prefer a soft icing than a cupcake that has sat on a try and is crusty dry. I would be surprized if these ladies worked for either compnay. Slander and crap ladies!
I know Buttercream bakes from scratch I have seen it and I am the one that delivers the ingredients - so there. I have been there on a Sunday and they were baking ... just a coincidence?
Every time I have had their product it is awesome. They are also nice ... what a concept. Why is there such a debate? I dont get it.
Eat up.
buttercream ROCKS. Variety ladies and great service.
They keep them in bins to transport them to their market location. I asked. They told. Its not rocket science. they have to transport them somehow in this is how they choose to do it - in bins to keep them fresh.
All good experiences with Buttercream Bake Shoppe.
Honestly, I just don't see (taste?) what the big deal about crave is. I was kind of let down the one and only time I went and got them.
It's pretty easy to make cupcakes and buttercream icing from scratch that taste just as good, if not better, but I guess baking is just a lost art these days, and people are willing to pay through the nose for it.
hmmmm. Maybe I'll go into business myself because my cupcakes are just as good!
I love Crave cupcakes so I am willing to put up with bad service. But I was recently appalled to hear that one cupcake can pack over 1000 calories! I don't know if this is true since their website has no listed nutritional value. Maybe that's a good thing...it is truly an indulgence!
I can't believe "Laura" believes safeway makes the cupcakes that is a lie, the bakers work hard in the early AM to get them made. Crave is delicious and a treat to have once in a while. I don't agree that Buttercream Back Shoppe is better not fresh AT ALL.
Just too rich for me - gave me heartburn, which happens when I eat anything with lard in it.
I went to crave in Edmonton today and the service was great and cupcakes were amazing!!!
I would like to clear up that Crave does indeed bake everything from scratch, including their cupcakes "Laura". I know this because I am a baker at Crave. We often sell out and what we do not sell and what the employees don't take home is donated to food banks and charity.
Now as for Buttercream bake shop, i really dont understand why people prefer it over crave, maybe its because of their variety. As for the bins they store their cupccakes in, i have never heard of this, but i wouldn't put it past them. If you want to compete with a company such as Crave you shouldn't try and half ass it. I believe their cupcakes to be very small for the price, their bakers icing technique is poor and their buttercream icing far too generic. Crave's buttercream on the other hand is something of unsurpassed quality, you truly have not tasted anything like it, atleast i haven't.
If you like cupcakes you should check out Twisted Cupcakes at the Airdrie Farmer's Market. Two sisters bake their cupcakes fresh every Wednesday and they are AMAZING!! You will not be disappointed. My favorite is the Strawberry Smoothie....they rival any cupcake business in Calgary!
I wish I had tried Crave before I ordered my wedding cakes from Buttercream Bake Shoppe. Our cakes were not as we ordered and even with a copy of the order sheet presented to them they refused to give me a sufficient refund, GO CRAVE!
I've seen lots of comments about bad customer service but I've never had a problem. The staff have all been very great and if I've ever special ordered, they have always called to confirm my request, my order, pick up date and time. There are a lot of companies out there that WON'T do that. Maybe I'm just lucky but I don't think so!
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