However, in the time that we have been eating at home, we have been upping our cereal intake and discovering new goodies that are higher in fibre and protein, and lower in sugar and fat. Here are some of the winners (and some that taste awesome but maybe aren't so healthy):

Tony's Turboz Cereal, which contains a mighty 7.1g of protein in each serving, is also only available in Canada right now (to my knowledge). I always describe the cereal as a healthy, smaller version of Honeycomb, although Hubbs disagrees. We both agree, however, that the sweet, crunchy cereal is very satisfying and addictive. Tony's Turboz is currently being marketed as a kid's meal-replacement cereal, but the truth is that adults are just as guilty of not consuming enough protein as part of their first meal of the day. Tony's Turboz is an excellent way to get in some protein, especially if you don't quite feel like steak and eggs first thing in the morning ;)

Honey Bunches of Oats - Strawberry is my naughty cereal delight. I can't extol the virtues of its nutritional value, since it contains little fibre and 8 grams of sugar per serving (although the calories on this cereal are lower than on the other two). However, I've always been a fan of Frosted Flakes, and this cereal reminds me of that one, except with a bit of strawberry tartness to balance out the sugary sweetness. It tends to get soggy quickly, but since I eat my cereal at break-neck speed, this is usually of no concern to me.
And those, my friends, are my foodie finds in the cereal department. Try them out, and enjoy! :)